About Us

Hey there! I’m Rutik Soni, the founder of promptseen.com. This site is all about making AI image generation awesome for everyone.

Why Promptseen?

I’ve been a blogger since 2020, and for the past few years, I’ve been obsessed with all things tech, especially AI. What blew my mind was AI image generation – the idea of creating any image you can imagine with just a few words!

The problem? Figuring out the right words to use. Those prompts can be tricky. That’s why I created [invalid URL removed].

What We Do

Here at Promptseen, we help you write the perfect prompts to get the exact AI-generated images you want. We break down the technical stuff into plain English, so you don’t need a degree in AI to get started.

Basically, we give you the magic words to unleash your creativity with AI art.

Why It Matters

I believe anyone should be able to create cool and unique images, and AI image generation makes that possible. With Promptseen, you can:

  • Turn your ideas into stunning visuals: Got a crazy concept for a painting or a photorealistic image of a cat riding a rocket? We’ll help you craft the prompt to make it happen.
  • Learn the ropes: We’ll show you the tricks of the trade, so you can become a pro at writing prompts yourself.
  • Join the community: We’re building a space where people can share ideas, ask questions, and inspire each other’s creativity.

Stay Connected!

Want to see the latest AI art trends and get some awesome prompt ideas? Follow us on social media (links below).

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Got Questions?

No problem! Feel free to shoot me an email at mailto:promptiness@gmail.com or check out our Contact Us page

See you around!

Rutik Soni (Founder & Admin)

P.S. I might be young (22 to be exact!), but I’ve got a ton of experience writing about AI (thanks to my BCom degree and all those prompt engineering courses!).